DTR: The Movie

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series The Taylor Trilogy

Ah…here it is. The second movie in the Taylor Trilogy. (See part one of this series for some background.) The year after The Agony & the Ecstasy, I decided to write a sequel from the girl’s point of view. I enlisted the help of Maura Oprisko, who has a wonderful sense of humor, and we co-wrote the script.

A funny thing happened on the way to the set, though. I don’t know how widely the acronym DTR is known. At Taylor University, it was quite well-known. It stands for “Define the Relationship,” and is dreaded by all single men and women who hope to finally, finally, move from friendship to dating. Well, sometime during the filming process (or possibly before; my memory is hazy), Natasha and I had our DTR, which ended happily, thank you very much. It’s especially funny since the entire movie revolves around Sophia having second thoughts about Mike, and Natasha, who had previously warned me that there wasn’t a chance on God’s green earth we’d ever be more than friends, also had second thoughts.

And so art imitates life. Or vice versa. One of the two.

P.S. The first clip is a preview for the movie, which I had lots of fun making and wish I had done for the other two movies.

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