Take a Moment to Examine “His Death”

It’s been rather silent on my blog lately. Besides the regular Internet absence brought on by the holidays, I’ve been working on things not ready for public viewing.

One, I’ve been preparing for The Unremarkable Squire blog tour coming up in February. That’s been interesting, since I’ve heard of these so-called “blog tours” without knowing much about them. Now I’m getting a firsthand glimpse of how they run. It’s kinda nifty. More on that later, I’m sure.

Two, I’ve got a ghostwriting gig, which is quite unusual for me.

But, since it has been so quiet around here, I wanted to stop by and share a story I concocted sometime in December and finally brushed up enough to post here. I have a growing collection of short story ideas, but this one just clicked at the moment and wrote itself in a few evenings.

So, I present to you “His Death” — HisDeath

Perhaps I’ll comment on its inception later. Perhaps not. In any case,  one or two of you might enjoy it.

Oh, and Happy New Year!