Audio used in this podcast: Derailed Trains intro & closing: "Vampire Snap" by Joshua Morse, remixed from Castlevania OST. Story School intro: "Yearbook Medium" from GarageBand library. Soundtrack intro: "Theme of Frog's'" by Select Start, remixed from Chrono Trigger OST. Soundtrack feature 1: "Myst Shrooms" by Mazedude, remixed from Myst OST. Project Update intro: "Broadcast News Short" from GarageBand library. What If...? intro: "Black Magic Synthesis" by Danny Baranowski, remixed from Final Fantasy IX OST. Star Wars/LOTR background music: "Main Title," "May the Force Be With You," and "Departing Coruscant," by John Williams from Star Wars: Episodes IV and II OSTs; "Foundations of Stone," "The Uruk Hai," and "Many Meetings" by Howard Shore from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and Fellowship of the Rings OSTs. Soundtrack feature 2: "SpaceStaionoftheAncients" by Mazedude, remixed from Final Fantasy VII OST. Ending screams: Various free scream SFXs from YouTube, including this clip from American Movie: Ending Laugh: Vincent Price as heard on "Thriller" by Michael Jackson. Used for purposes of parody. Special Thanks to John Bahler for his guest appearance and contributions and to Zach Hayden for hosting our podcast. Eureka!